May 1970 |
Founded Igawa Bankin Inc. at 261 Kurata, Okayama city.
Founder Toshio Igawa started business of manufacture and processing metal part for automobiles.
May 1970 |
Accepted order of automobile part from Mizushima Industry Co., Ltd.
January 1971 |
Accepted order of automobile part from Sankei Industry Co.,Ltd.
May 1975 |
The plant was built on the new site: 2578-1 Hayashima, Hayashima cho, Tsukubo county, Okayama pref.
May 1975 |
Changed the name of company as Ichii Industries Co.
August 1975 |
Accepted order from Suiryou Plastic Co., Ltd. and manufactured automobile parts.
August 1976 |
Expanded the plant for welding process.
May 1978 |
Fouded Ichii Industsries Company with capital of 8 million yen.
January 1982 |
Accepted order of automobile parts from Mitsubishi Motors Corpration.
December 1982 |
Joined improvement action for metal press manufacturer, according to the law of modernization promotion.
December 1982 |
Promoted modernization and rationalization of management system and mechanical facility.
October 1983 |
Newly installed facility for metal molding. Started metal molding work.
January 1987 |
Newly built plant and transferred to the site: 2117-3 Yamada, Okayama city.
July 1987 |
Capital increased to ¥25,000,000.-
June 1988 |
Applied to authorization of welding plant for Mitsubishi Motors Corp.
June 1989 |
Introduced three dimensional movable laser processing machine of 6 axle control.
December 1989 Introduced welding robot, multi purpose robot.
March 1995 |
Increased plant floor area to 1,323 m2 (first and second floors)
March 1997 |
Authorized as approved welding plant for QC by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation.
March 2001 |
Increased capital to ¥35,000,000.-
March 2002 |
Increased capital to ¥40,000,000.-
March 2003 |
Increased capital to ¥44,000,000.-
April 2003 |
Introduced the transfer press.
October 2003 |
Received order of automobile part from NSK Steering Systems Co.,Ltd.
February 2004 |
Addtionally introduced mechanical press of 300t.
August 2006 |
Okayama plant introduced mechanical press of 500t.
April 2007 |
Newly built Kyushu Plant and initiated its operation at 1535-2 Oaza Katsuno, Kotake cho, Kurate gun, Fukuoka pref.
December 2007 |
Kyushu plant introduced mechanical press of 400t.
April 2008 |
Soja plant started operation
May 2008 |
Increased area of Kyushu plant to 5,800 m2.
May 2009 |
Awarded as "VA/VE Achievement award; Bronze" by NSK Steering Systems Co.,Ltd.
March 2010 |
Increased capital to ¥54,000,000.-
April 2010 |
Awarded as "VA/VE Achievement award; Bronze" by NSK Steering Systems Co.,Ltd.
"Thing making power improvement activity" letter of thanks giving by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation.
May 2013 |
ICHII AUTO PARTS (DANYANG) CO.,LTD started operation
November 2014 |
Increased capital to ¥80,000,000.-
March 2014 |
I have received the order of automobile parts fromDaihatsu Motor Kyushu Co., Ltd.